
Do you feel disconnected from yourself? Do you feel disconnected from other people and the world around you? You may be wondering why you’re feeling this way, or when you’ll start feeling like yourself again. It may be hard to get out of bed and face the day. Your food intake, quality of sleep, and level of physical activity may be off balance. Your hobbies may no longer feel interesting or rewarding. Maybe numb is your new normal, along with hopeless, sad, and empty. Are you struggling to find your motivation, or to focus on what’s in front of you? Do your thoughts leave you questioning your worth and purpose? At times, you may even wish you could disappear or stop existing.

It’s a normal part of the human experience to have bad days, but when bad days turn into bad weeks, it’s a sign of something more serious, such as depression. Sometimes you can pinpoint why you’re feeling depressed, like after a stressful or painful life event. Other times, it’s not as clear.

There are three major reasons why depression can arise:

  1. Imbalances around food intake, quality of sleep, and physical activity.

  2. Needs that go unmet for long periods of time.

  3. Painful (and often subconscious) narratives that you believe about yourself, other people, and the world around you.

When one or more of these occur, you will experience strong and unpleasant emotions. These emotions are there to help you, to signal to you that something inside of you is out of alignment, to bring you back to yourself so you can restore balance.

I’m here to listen to your depression with you. Together, we will dive inward with compassion and explore the parts of you calling out for alignment. This will involve addressing important lifestyle habits, identifying your unique needs and developing strategies to get them met in healthy ways, and reprograming painful narratives to heal core emotional wounds.

I want you to leave therapy with essential lifelong tools that will empower you the next time depression comes knocking on your door.